

Data at rest versus data at creation: It’s not a choice you should make – secure them both

Image As part of your defense against an external cyberattack, you’re ready to tackle the enormous task of securing all the data sitting on your servers, desktops and external drives. If you’re like most organizations, you’ve got tons of it because no one throws anything away these days. And if you’re working at an enterprise, it’s...

Data protection for remote workers

Image Working remotely has become the “new normal”, at least for the foreseeable future. Some 1.5 billion people are now working remotely. It seems companies overnight moved into a work-at-home reality, and many workplace experts predict that more and more organizations will continue to rely on remote workers after this pandemic has...

How do you handle the ticking time bomb of dark data?

Image Organizations of all sizes face a similar challenge: the ticking time bomb of old data. 2020 is expected to be a period of exceptionally rapid data growth, with the growth in demand outstripping growth in storage supply solutions, according to Harvard Business Analytics. Adding to the complexity: 80% of all data organizations...

NATO: Leading The Way With A Common Classification Standard

Image Data needs to be classified and protected using a common format. By using a common format, we can more easily share and protect our information, as well as and provide ongoing post-release control of the information we have shared. Fortra has worked with sensitive messaging systems in the defense and intelligence environments;...

Meet the latest EPMS requirements — and boost your data security strategy

Have you updated your agency to the Email Protective Marking Standard (EPMS) version 2018.2? As you likely know, changes to the standard went into effect 1 January 2019. Since the last iteration was released in 2010, the EPMS standard has been amended. The changes include updates to the range of security classifications, changes to specific markings and caveat types, as well...

What is SOX Compliance? 2019 SOX Requirements & More

A definition of SOX Compliance In 2002, the United States Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) to protect shareholders and the general public from accounting errors and fraudulent practices in enterprises, and to improve the accuracy of corporate disclosures. The act sets deadlines for compliance and publishes rules on requirements. Congressman Paul Sarbanes and...

GDPR: Effective Approaches for Protecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Sensitive Personal Information (SPI)

Image Many companies are currently in various phases of projects to comply with the European Union’s General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) ahead of the May 2018 enforcement deadline. Many vendors and service providers speak generally about GDPR and often, in my view, over simplify solutions to issues that are raised. Rather than try...

Seven Reasons to Classify Your Data

Image The best way to protect and govern your data is to let it tell your business applications and infrastructure what it contains. Chris Farrelly, General Manager at HANDD Business Solutions, explains how that’s possible and why you should do it A quick Google search on “data, lifeblood, and business” turns up dozens of headlines,...

Data Classification as a Catalyst for Data Retention and Archiving

Image Why is Data Retention & Archiving Important? Businesses manage data retention in a multitude of ways for many different reasons, ranging from technical considerations to privacy and liability concerns. The regular considerations are, and will always be, top of mind to include regulatory requirements and compliance, financial...