

Extending Microsoft RMS to Mobile

Mobile Users Can Now Access And Share RMS Protected Information On Mobile Devices With the growth of mobile and cloud technologies it is more important than ever to apply protection that travels with the data. If your information is encrypted it is always protected, even if lost or stolen. Microsoft® Rights Management Services (RMS) provides protection for sensitive documents...

Email Protective Marking Standards (EPMS) Australia

The Australian Government Email Protective Marking Standard (EPMS) is a set of requirements that organizations must follow in order to protect sensitive and classified information that is sent or received by email. The Australian EPMS has been updated several times since its origin in 2005. Read our solution brief to learn about the changes to Email Protective Marking...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite Deployment Options

On-premises deployment While many industries are turning to the cloud for digital transformation, some organizations are not yet ready to deploy their highly sensitive data to the cloud and continue to choose on-premises. There are several reasons why an organization might choose on-premises deployment, including: Organizational/regional requirements: Depending on industry...

Fortra’s Deployment Methodology Solution Brief

DCS Deployment Methodology Our proven implementation strategy empowers any organization to successfully deploy a data classification solution based on their unique data security needs. IT professionals understand all too well the importance of implementing some level of technology that will help secure their organization’s critical data and give users a way to follow...

Fortra Data Identification

The Problem Compliance regulations related to data are growing in number and complexity while IT and security solutions struggle to address these challenges, thus leaving major gaps. Due to these data regulations, organizations are required not only to understand the context and the value of the vast amounts of data that flow through email, but also protect and report on that...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite for government agencies

The Problem Government agencies collect, use, and store personally identifiable information (PII) about citizens, employees, patients and other individuals every day. Much of this sensitive information is held in unstructured formats such as documents, emails and various other file types, but the exact location and storage of the data is difficult to track. This poses a...

Managing Controlled Unclassified Information: The Role Of Data Classification In Meeting U.S. Government Requirements

Image Introduction After years of deliberation, the U.S. government’s National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has released more details of its regulation for the protection framework of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). The rule is designed to safeguard government data that has not been assigned as confidential...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite for Microsoft Outlook

Image Fortra’s Data Classification Suite for Microsoft Outlook Whether on the desktop or in the cloud, email continues to be the primary method for sharing information among employees, customers, and partners. This presents a challenge for organizations that must protect information assets while promoting information sharing. The...

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Prudential Standard CPS 234

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) helps organizations across the finance and insurance sectors meet the information security regulations mandated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Prudential Standard CPS 234. Noncompliance with APRA can result in substantial fines as well as legal risks and damage to your organization’s reputation. A data breach...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) for Microsoft Office

In today’s collaborative work environments, documents are regularly shared among employees, customers, and partners. This presents a challenge to organizations that must protect information assets while promoting information sharing. The critical first step in solving this challenge is to classify documents at the time of creation, allowing the organization to identify the...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) for Desktop

As the volume of unstructured information grows, the risk of data leakage grows with it. With only a few clicks, users can copy sensitive files from their desktop to email, USB drives, instant messages, and other data leakage points. This increases the risk of serious data leaks, including the disclosure of sensitive information and intellectual property contained in PDFs,...

Fortra Data Classification Solutions Overview

Secure Your Information, So People Can Work with Confidence Data is everywhere and protecting it is becoming more difficult than ever. Fortra Data Classification enables you to establish a policy driven foundation that helps you identify and classify sensitive data at creation, in motion, or at rest and apply the right security policy to protect it. Data Protection That Works...