

Identify sensitive data with accurate classification with Fortra & Seclore

Restricting access to certain data to only a specific group or individual is an effective way to do just that. What’s required is a solution that automates the classification and protection of data, without the need for user intervention. Based upon any number of parameters—department, role, security clearance, region, office location, etc., Seclore Rights Management can be...

How Fortra Detects Data

Overview While there are several methods of classifying and identifying data within the data protection industry, DDE provides the most robust and flexible data detection tools available to the market today. Many of the Fortra tools incorporate advanced Machine Learning (ML) capabilities and enable customers to quickly and accurately detect and protect their sensitive data....

Fortra for Document Management Systems

Document Management Electronic documents are an essential component of just about any enterprise. Managing this increasing number of these documents in a variety of file formats and sources is can be a challenge without an enterprise-grade Document Management System (DMS). Companies have been increasingly relying on DMS to capture, store, and retrieve electronic documents...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite Deployment Options

On-premises deployment While many industries are turning to the cloud for digital transformation, some organizations are not yet ready to deploy their highly sensitive data to the cloud and continue to choose on-premises. There are several reasons why an organization might choose on-premises deployment, including: Organizational/regional requirements: Depending on industry...

Fortra Data Identification

The Problem Compliance regulations related to data are growing in number and complexity while IT and security solutions struggle to address these challenges, thus leaving major gaps. Due to these data regulations, organizations are required not only to understand the context and the value of the vast amounts of data that flow through email, but also protect and report on that...

Fortra Data Classification Solutions Overview

Secure Your Information, So People Can Work with Confidence Data is everywhere and protecting it is becoming more difficult than ever. Fortra Data Classification enables you to establish a policy driven foundation that helps you identify and classify sensitive data at creation, in motion, or at rest and apply the right security policy to protect it. Data Protection That Works...