

Data Classification: Enabling Compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOX, & More

Learn how Fortra's Data Classification Suite can facilitate compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOX, and other prominent data privacy regulations.
On-Demand Webinar

The Digital Personal of Data Protection Act of India 2023

The new Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act impacts all organizations, both domestic and international, that process personal data of individuals in India. Stay ahead of the curve and ensure a data-secure future for your organisation by watching our video. We will cover the following: What is the DPDP Act? Who does the DPDP apply to? What is Personal Data? ...

Identify sensitive data with accurate classification with Fortra & Seclore

Restricting access to certain data to only a specific group or individual is an effective way to do just that. What’s required is a solution that automates the classification and protection of data, without the need for user intervention. Based upon any number of parameters—department, role, security clearance, region, office location, etc., Seclore Rights Management can be...

Fortra for Document Management Systems

Document Management Electronic documents are an essential component of just about any enterprise. Managing this increasing number of these documents in a variety of file formats and sources is can be a challenge without an enterprise-grade Document Management System (DMS). Companies have been increasingly relying on DMS to capture, store, and retrieve electronic documents...

Email Protective Marking Standards (EPMS) Australia

The Australian Government Email Protective Marking Standard (EPMS) is a set of requirements that organizations must follow in order to protect sensitive and classified information that is sent or received by email. The Australian EPMS has been updated several times since its origin in 2005. Read our solution brief to learn about the changes to Email Protective Marking...

What Is ISO 27001 and How Can It Help Your Organization?

Image What Is ISO 27001? Everything You Need To Know About ISO 27001:2022 ISO 27001, also known as ISO/IEC 27001, is a widely recognized international standard that defines best practices for implementing and managing information security for an Information Security Management System, or ISMS. The risk-based standard was published...

Data Protection Myths and the Truths Behind Them

Image To implement or not to implement? That is the question when evaluating a new technology solution for your organization. Complicating the often daunting decision are the preconceived notions held at various organizational levels as to whether the solution is necessary, or more trouble than it’s worth. This can become especially...

Meet the latest EPMS requirements — and boost your data security strategy

Have you updated your agency to the Email Protective Marking Standard (EPMS) version 2018.2? As you likely know, changes to the standard went into effect 1 January 2019. Since the last iteration was released in 2010, the EPMS standard has been amended. The changes include updates to the range of security classifications, changes to specific markings and caveat types, as well...